Saturday, January 1, 2011

So I found a fun "blog carnival" type of thing to do...

It's called '11 in 2011' and so I am going to go ahead and catch up!

Day 1: New Year's Resolutions

SInce I already did a similar post to this, I will make this brief. I dont really DO New Year's Resolutions, but I do like to start out the year with goals, hopes, aspirations, and the like.

For 2011, I hope that:
* my internship is successful and I complete my Master's In Teaching Successfully
* I find a full time job for the 2011- 2012 school year
* I find time to read more for pleasure
* I develop my photography skills more
* I spend some more time with my dog and get healthier

What are your resolutions?

It's not too late to link up!

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