So Mere Bear had surgery yesterday. I had originally made an appointment with the SPCA Saving Lives Clinic for May 20th, but then I realized that I would in fact no be here on the 20th and we had to bump up her appointment. I was glad that someone cancelled their appointment so that I could get her in there (I dont want to deal with puppies!). She had to stay there ALL day long and then she was finally able to come home around 5 yesterday. Katy had to pick her up as I was tutoring at the time and when I got home, the poor girl was refusing to move from in front of the door! She looked so scared and pathetic with her cone on around her head. I finally coaxed her to come into the living room but she refused to lay down or anything. They did send her home with some medicine so I coaxed her to take that with some food and she seemed to perk up a little bit.
It has been trial and error since then as I have never taken care of a sick dog before. She's mostly been laying around, which is good but very sad to see when you are used to seeing her run around like crazy. She does refuse to go to the bathroom with the cone on, so I have to take it off when she goes outside to potty. I thought that maybe I could just leave the cone off but she wants to bathe herself and her energy has somewhat returned when she doesn't have this huge foreign object floating around her head, so the cone stays on except when she goes outside or she is eating.
Poor baby :(